
it is complicated... sometimes...
people got different ways of dealing
and we all got different ways of feeling
imagine that you're drowning and
wish you feel something
its so complicated
I sit around and thing about how things work
or just thinking about the past
and what we do in last
with this empty space in my heart
yesterday i found a picture on the wall
full of memories and
wished it all fade away
i know i try to hold on to this life
things are scary but its over now
turn the page..
...and i see that i just wrote truly big bullshit there with ANY FU**ING SENSE!
and fu** the trojan horse, too...
although i love legend of troy... BUT I HATE THAT VIRUS!!
Náhodné moudro a přísloví
Jednat ve shodě s přírodou je rozumnému tvoru totéž, jako ve shodě s rozumem. (Marcus Aurelius)
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