
...wilaaaaaaaaaaa! IX.
Just som one to hold and someone to hate
And something to blame for all the pain
I could ignore her
I could complain
I never wated anything...!
She says,
Everything is crashing down!
She says,
Now the tears are falling down.
Jenny is cryin
And I don't know why
And her life's so insane
So now Jenny is hating me...
Just something to fill the nothing inside
And something to make her never cry
Just something to thrill me something to hide
And something to help her say goodbye
Just something to kill me something to do
And something to blow her hed off why
Do you really wanna die
Don't cry
Why are you so sad
Why is life so bad
You don't know what to do
Jenny is cryin' And I don't know why
And her life's so insane
So now Jenny is hating me
Jenny is dying
And I don't knw why
And her life's so insane
So now Jenny is hating me...!
Don't cry
Náhodné moudro a přísloví
Často, když odplují mraky nastane zářivý den. (Ovidius)
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