
classic look by RLR
we'd like you to hear a story about our moods:
Once upon a time, there was a girl called Magdalena. She was young, but very moody! She was angry on everybody, so most people didn't want to talk to her. Every morning she was sick and she was thinking about her death. But morning left, and there was noon. But at this time she was feeling very asleep, so again - her mood wasn't pretty. But noon gone by and there was afternoon. Afternoon - time for relaxing. But she always felt tired, because of her school stuff. So afternoon left and evening came to visit. "I hope everything will be all right..." said Magdalena to herself. But... as you probably think, it wasn't. She felt depressed, angry and this bad, bad mood was really around her all the time untill she went sleep with only wish in her head - hope for feeling better next day...
When the sun rised, Magdalena woke up. How did she feel?
Náhodné moudro a přísloví
Počestnost se dočká dlouholetého věku. (Ovidius)
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