Death's whisper in my head,
etherized me silently in bed.
In a dream of cold and dark,
I can see only blurry blood mark.
Flying through nothingness of me,
in scarred body, with heart full of gloomy.
Whisper in darkness changed to voice,
when I reach blood mark of choice.
Silent in my head is suddenly…
I am killing myself finely.
Darkness embrance me with cold,
she takes my soul that I sold.
In her arms for eternity I'll lie,
she frees my misery, when I'm going to die.
There is no pain, no false hope anymore,
for me is nothing here, only judge's claymore.
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Náhodné moudro a přísloví
Smrt, po níž následuje nesmrtelnost, není třeba oplakávat. (Cicero)
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